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DIS sünkroontõlketehnika keskseade CU6105

Tegemist on digitaalse sünkroontõlkesüsteemi keskseadmega, mis juhib kogu süsteemi.

Allpool olev info on pärit tootja kodulehelt:

The CU 6105 Central Unit is a powerful microprocessor based control unit designed for the DCS 6000 system. Only one CU 6105 is needed for control of all types of conference units.

The CU 6105 has as standard the following features:

Operation modes: Automatic, FIFO and Manual
3 microphone interrupt ability modes
Up to 8 microphones open at one time
Auto Off of conference units
Scrambled audio to avoid eavesdropping
4 interpreter channels (expandable to 16 channels – see below)
Control of max. 50 conference and 128 interpreter units (expandable to 500 conference unit – see below)
TCP/IP Ethernet connection for Web browser control

By uploading ‘Feature Licenses’ into the CU 6105 the following additional features will be available:

Control of up to 500 conference units
Voting (3- and 5-button, attendance check)
Operation mode VOX (Voice Activation)
Up to 16 interpretations channels

CU 6105 technical features:

Fully digital audio transmission of floor plus 16 interpretation channels and 8 conference microphone audiochannels in a single digital bus cable structure
OLED display on the front enables the user to setup basic system configurations in terms of maximum number of speakers/requests, microphone operation mode etc.
TCP/IP Ethernet connection for Web browser control, SW 6000 and third part external control (AMX, Crestron etc.)
Multi-language web browser for system configuration, microphone/request list control and basic operational parameters
Built-in seat table for attaching seat numbers and names to units using the web browser
2 analog audio inputs and 4 analog audio output. The 4 analog audio output are used for distribution of audio from four groups of units, the floor channel or the interpreter channels
Connection for Emergency Evacuation Message (EEM) is available using ‘Audio In 2’ and a contact closure switch
Firmware upgrade of the entire DCS 6000 system is possible via a PC
Powers up to 60 units without additional power supply (depending on unit type)
Long life, low-noise built-in temperature regulated fan
Horizontal orientation of air stream for easy stacking of units in 19″-racks
External control possible via a ‘simple to use’ protocol for external control over Ethernet
DCS-LAN – a proprietary high speed all digital audio channel, data and power bus
One external CU power supply for the two DCS-LAN chains
Versatile test program available for testing the system performance, the conference units and the interpreter sets
Camera control by use of CP 7851 Camera Control System

In larger systems EX 6010 Extension Unit, JB 6104 Junction Boxes, RP 6004 Repeater or PS 6000 Power Supply may be included.